Guild is missing from the Blizzard API as of
Sep 13 2024 00:30 UTC
16 weeks ago
About BAF

++BAF Formed 06/10/2007++

Moved to Tarren Mill March 2022

Facebook -

Youtube channel -

Stream - - DH PoV - GM

Raid Timings - Raiding Times = Wed+Mon 2030-2330 Game Time

BAF recruitment:

BAF is always on the look out for skilled players and exceptional applications of any class will be considered. Actively recruiting for Healers, and DPS with Healing and Tanking OS's.

The Players of BAF:

Whilst we all take raiding seriously, we are able to have plenty of fun doing so. With plenty of self deprecating humour and banter amongst players. Outside of raiding you will find many guild members, playing other games together including Dota 2, LoL, Battlefield, Chivalry etc. Discord is active at almost any point of the day.


We realise how daunting joining a new guild can be. To make it easier for you to make that leap, we will let you know what we expect from raiders in BAF.

  1. Attitude, Attitude and Attitude:

We want players who are able to take criticism constructively, work together regardless of personal feelings and work towards the betterment of the guild not their ilvl. Be able to own your mistakes and not make excuses.

  1. Attendance:

We raid 1945-2300 Game Time Wed and Monday. With expanded hours during the first two weeks of progression. You must be able to make these times on a consistent basis. Absence without notification will not be tolerated.

  1. Class Knowledge:

Even if you are the nicest person in the world with perfect attendance you will still be expected to perform at a consistently high level with your chosen class. Know it from head to toe.

  1. Preparation:

When you come to raid, you will be prepared to raid. This means bringing enough consumables for the entire night and being fully repaired before raid begins. Research for new bosses is also a requirement; know the best spec/talents to use on any given fight.

Last updated 106 weeks ago
About BAF

++BAF Formed 06/10/2007++

Moved to Tarren Mill March 2022

Facebook -

Youtube channel -

Stream - - DH PoV - GM

Raid Timings - Raiding Times = Wed+Mon 2030-2330 Game Time

BAF recruitment:

BAF is always on the look out for skilled players and exceptional applications of any class will be considered. Actively recruiting for Healers, and DPS with Healing and Tanking OS's.

The Players of BAF:

Whilst we all take raiding seriously, we are able to have plenty of fun doing so. With plenty of self deprecating humour and banter amongst players. Outside of raiding you will find many guild members, playing other games together including Dota 2, LoL, Battlefield, Chivalry etc. Discord is active at almost any point of the day.


We realise how daunting joining a new guild can be. To make it easier for you to make that leap, we will let you know what we expect from raiders in BAF.

  1. Attitude, Attitude and Attitude:

We want players who are able to take criticism constructively, work together regardless of personal feelings and work towards the betterment of the guild not their ilvl. Be able to own your mistakes and not make excuses.

  1. Attendance:

We raid 1945-2300 Game Time Wed and Monday. With expanded hours during the first two weeks of progression. You must be able to make these times on a consistent basis. Absence without notification will not be tolerated.

  1. Class Knowledge:

Even if you are the nicest person in the world with perfect attendance you will still be expected to perform at a consistently high level with your chosen class. Know it from head to toe.

  1. Preparation:

When you come to raid, you will be prepared to raid. This means bringing enough consumables for the entire night and being fully repaired before raid begins. Research for new bosses is also a requirement; know the best spec/talents to use on any given fight.

Last updated 106 weeks ago

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 719
GroupID 1684910
GuildID 1701407