Last scanned 1 day ago
About Excesse |
Recruiting for Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible
Excesse has now moved to Tarren Mill-EU for a fresh new start. We are now recruiting potential and willing players to get back on edge and bring glory back to Excesse.
Our raiding schedule (Times in CET / Server time): Wednesday: 19:30- 23:00 Sunday: 19:30 - 23:00 About: Excesse was created on Burning Legion EU in June of 2005. We are still around and do not plan on going anywhere. We also still have a large part of our older veteran players around and in the roster. Other notable things we are proud of: Still around since 2005 with the same GM. Most Vanilla kills world top 25-30, before any nerfs happened. Realm First Grand Crusader, Death's Demise, Celestial Defender, Magic Seeker, Conqueror of Naxxramas. Previous Tiers: Shadowlands: CE Sire Denathrius, Sylvanas Windrunner and Jailer BFA: CE G'huun, Jaina, Aszhara and N'zoth Legion: CE Argus, Helya and Xavius Other notable things we are proud of: Still around since 2005 with the same GM. Most Vanilla kills world top 25-30, before any nerfs happened. Realm First Grand Crusader, Death's Demise, Celestial Defender, Magic Seeker, Conqueror of Naxxramas. On non-raiding days we focus on other high end content in the game. Such as high M+, gearing some alts through Heroic and Normal raids and some even on PvP. Our Expectations from our Trials/Raiders:
This guild is a place for healthy and friendly banter, not a daycare centre! If you are this type of a player - contact us!
Guild Master / Recruitment Officer: Matija-TarrenMill [In-game] / Matija#9985 [Discord] Raid Leader: Tramspotting-TarrenMill [In-Game] / tramspotting#4936 [Discord] Officer: Nibdecay-TarrenMill [In-game] / syt3x#9128 [Discord] Officer: Vyg-TarrenMill [In-game] / Vygris#2520 [Discord] Last updated 86 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Ybo Officers: Emegenceree, Mátija, Vanity |
About Excesse |
Recruiting for Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible
Excesse has now moved to Tarren Mill-EU for a fresh new start. We are now recruiting potential and willing players to get back on edge and bring glory back to Excesse.
Our raiding schedule (Times in CET / Server time): Wednesday: 19:30- 23:00 Sunday: 19:30 - 23:00 About: Excesse was created on Burning Legion EU in June of 2005. We are still around and do not plan on going anywhere. We also still have a large part of our older veteran players around and in the roster. Other notable things we are proud of: Still around since 2005 with the same GM. Most Vanilla kills world top 25-30, before any nerfs happened. Realm First Grand Crusader, Death's Demise, Celestial Defender, Magic Seeker, Conqueror of Naxxramas. Previous Tiers: Shadowlands: CE Sire Denathrius, Sylvanas Windrunner and Jailer BFA: CE G'huun, Jaina, Aszhara and N'zoth Legion: CE Argus, Helya and Xavius Other notable things we are proud of: Still around since 2005 with the same GM. Most Vanilla kills world top 25-30, before any nerfs happened. Realm First Grand Crusader, Death's Demise, Celestial Defender, Magic Seeker, Conqueror of Naxxramas. On non-raiding days we focus on other high end content in the game. Such as high M+, gearing some alts through Heroic and Normal raids and some even on PvP. Our Expectations from our Trials/Raiders:
This guild is a place for healthy and friendly banter, not a daycare centre! If you are this type of a player - contact us!
Guild Master / Recruitment Officer: Matija-TarrenMill [In-game] / Matija#9985 [Discord] Raid Leader: Tramspotting-TarrenMill [In-Game] / tramspotting#4936 [Discord] Officer: Nibdecay-TarrenMill [In-game] / syt3x#9128 [Discord] Officer: Vyg-TarrenMill [In-game] / Vygris#2520 [Discord] Last updated 86 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?