Guild is missing from the Blizzard API as of
Nov 30 2023 12:01 UTC
57 weeks ago



Who are we?


Peermore is a guild made up of caring, hard-working, dedicated and relaxed individuals who when put together create a great team and atmosphere! We strive to achieve CE every tier, via a generally 2 day, albeit sometimes 3 day schedule, depending on the availability and desire of the core raid team. Our core includes people from all over the world, with a higher number of Danish people. Don’t worry, though! English is the main and only language spoken in raids and guild chat. If you are interested in joining a hard-working environment if you care for pushing raids/m+, or even a relaxed social enviroment please apply with us, we would love to have you!


Raid Schedule:


Mythic Progression - Wednesday & Sunday 19:30-22:30 ST. Thursday optional raid day for HC Clears. Extra raiding nights are optional and dependent on the core team’s desire and availability.


Heroic/Normal - Dependent on the time in the tier and the desire to get gear/experience the raid from ANYONE in the guild, these can be formed in the spur of the moment or occassionally on Fridays/Saturdays!


What do we give you?!


Everyone likes freebies, right? Well, if you are part of our core team and help with selling boost runs, management, or helping socials you get the following perks! -Free repairs -Free consumables What if you’re not in the core raiding team though? Obviously everyone is very welcome to join the guild in our M+ runs, be it for pushing score or gearing alts/helping new or returning players achieve Keystone Master achievements. Aside from that, we are always chilling in discord, which is open to any guild member (and your friends even if they aren’t in the guild!). Any random activities from leveling, to transmog runs, mount runs, Battlegrounds or even Arena can be arranged with your fellow guildies. More fun is always better!


Aside from the aforementioned points, we offer a raid setting with involved discussions, where everyone can contribute their input, as we expect everyone to be focused and want to achieve the same goal together, as a team!


What do we expect from our members?


Core Team: -Ambition and willingness to learn and improve. We know you might be rerolling a new class, coming back to the game after a hiatus, or hell, even being completely new to the game. This is all fine, as long as you are willing to improve and meet the standards the core raiding team demands! -Ability to be able to sustain open and constructive discussions, be it for raid tactics or any other conflict that requires a resolution. -Generally a good attitude and respect towards your guildies. -High knowledge of your class/spec and role(s). -High attendance (90%+) and 100% attendance the first weeks of new raid releases. -Ability to communicate absences in advance, we understand sometimes things might happen suddenly in real life, and these casses will be analyzed on a case by case basis. However, any other reason should be communicated to the Officer team AT LEAST 48hrs in advance. -Positivity!


Socials: -Just have fun and come chill with us!




At the moment we are open to recruiting any experienced/willing raiders that meet the above characteristics for the core team. Strong parses are required to be inducted into the core team, but everyone will have a chance to impress/prove themselves to be part of the core team. Both starter and rotation players are necessary for a healthy raid progression! M+ Only applicants are also welcome, as we have a few dedicated pushing teams, with various members reaching high — ratings. We are always recruiting socials and people just willing to have fun and relax!


Interested in a talk? Contact me:


GM - Nairyana Bnet: H1l#21808 Discord: Hil#1933

Last updated 174 weeks ago



Who are we?


Peermore is a guild made up of caring, hard-working, dedicated and relaxed individuals who when put together create a great team and atmosphere! We strive to achieve CE every tier, via a generally 2 day, albeit sometimes 3 day schedule, depending on the availability and desire of the core raid team. Our core includes people from all over the world, with a higher number of Danish people. Don’t worry, though! English is the main and only language spoken in raids and guild chat. If you are interested in joining a hard-working environment if you care for pushing raids/m+, or even a relaxed social enviroment please apply with us, we would love to have you!


Raid Schedule:


Mythic Progression - Wednesday & Sunday 19:30-22:30 ST. Thursday optional raid day for HC Clears. Extra raiding nights are optional and dependent on the core team’s desire and availability.


Heroic/Normal - Dependent on the time in the tier and the desire to get gear/experience the raid from ANYONE in the guild, these can be formed in the spur of the moment or occassionally on Fridays/Saturdays!


What do we give you?!


Everyone likes freebies, right? Well, if you are part of our core team and help with selling boost runs, management, or helping socials you get the following perks! -Free repairs -Free consumables What if you’re not in the core raiding team though? Obviously everyone is very welcome to join the guild in our M+ runs, be it for pushing score or gearing alts/helping new or returning players achieve Keystone Master achievements. Aside from that, we are always chilling in discord, which is open to any guild member (and your friends even if they aren’t in the guild!). Any random activities from leveling, to transmog runs, mount runs, Battlegrounds or even Arena can be arranged with your fellow guildies. More fun is always better!


Aside from the aforementioned points, we offer a raid setting with involved discussions, where everyone can contribute their input, as we expect everyone to be focused and want to achieve the same goal together, as a team!


What do we expect from our members?


Core Team: -Ambition and willingness to learn and improve. We know you might be rerolling a new class, coming back to the game after a hiatus, or hell, even being completely new to the game. This is all fine, as long as you are willing to improve and meet the standards the core raiding team demands! -Ability to be able to sustain open and constructive discussions, be it for raid tactics or any other conflict that requires a resolution. -Generally a good attitude and respect towards your guildies. -High knowledge of your class/spec and role(s). -High attendance (90%+) and 100% attendance the first weeks of new raid releases. -Ability to communicate absences in advance, we understand sometimes things might happen suddenly in real life, and these casses will be analyzed on a case by case basis. However, any other reason should be communicated to the Officer team AT LEAST 48hrs in advance. -Positivity!


Socials: -Just have fun and come chill with us!




At the moment we are open to recruiting any experienced/willing raiders that meet the above characteristics for the core team. Strong parses are required to be inducted into the core team, but everyone will have a chance to impress/prove themselves to be part of the core team. Both starter and rotation players are necessary for a healthy raid progression! M+ Only applicants are also welcome, as we have a few dedicated pushing teams, with various members reaching high — ratings. We are always recruiting socials and people just willing to have fun and relax!


Interested in a talk? Contact me:


GM - Nairyana Bnet: H1l#21808 Discord: Hil#1933

Last updated 174 weeks ago

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 719
GroupID 1641400
GuildID 1660373