Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 23 weeks ago

About Digress

Welcome to Digress' WoWProgress Page.

Castle Nathria is our first tier as horde. Previously known as 'Seven' on Alliance-Ravencrest.

We are currently open to recruitment from a great variety of classes and roles. Do not hesitate to apply or contact Ailscena if you're interested.

We are particularly interested in 1 Holy Paladin and 1 Mage.

The guild consist of players who have played together since early Legion. We previously raided on the Alliance side with a schedule of 2 raids a week. We continuously aim to improve our progress and our raiders should have the same goal.

We're a very active guild with a big interest of running M+, alt-gearing, and whichever form of grind the patch presents us.

What we're looking for:

  • We would expect any applicants to be able to prepare both their character and the presented information for upcoming progress.
  • You must also be able to receive constructive criticism in a fair manner.
  • Guild Bank provides with Cauldron, Feasts, Vantus but all raiders should have extra stacks with them for raids.
  • Be respectable to your fellow raiders. Any problems with raids or raiders should be brought up to the officers.
  • Be reliable as a raider. We understand that WoW shouldn't be the most important thing in anyone's life, sometimes other things can come up on a raid night, but overall you need to be able to commit to the schedule and absences communicated beforehand.
  • We do not demand any alts, no PTR testing, or have any extra raid nights even if we're close to a kill. We do offer completely optional heroic and alt runs on off-days.

Our raid times are (Server Time): Invites at 19.45. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 20:00 – 23:00

Please apply at:

FAQ Q: Are you guys recruiting class X? A: Check the recruitment status on top. We may consider exceptional applications at any time from any class.

Q: Would you recruit me? A: Do not ask this through Discord. To be able to answer that question, we would need more information. Information that we ask for in the application form. If you're interested in joining the guild, then please apply.

If you have any questions about the guild, feel free to add Ailscena on Discord.

Discord: Ailscena#0535

Last updated 180 weeks ago
About Digress

Welcome to Digress' WoWProgress Page.

Castle Nathria is our first tier as horde. Previously known as 'Seven' on Alliance-Ravencrest.

We are currently open to recruitment from a great variety of classes and roles. Do not hesitate to apply or contact Ailscena if you're interested.

We are particularly interested in 1 Holy Paladin and 1 Mage.

The guild consist of players who have played together since early Legion. We previously raided on the Alliance side with a schedule of 2 raids a week. We continuously aim to improve our progress and our raiders should have the same goal.

We're a very active guild with a big interest of running M+, alt-gearing, and whichever form of grind the patch presents us.

What we're looking for:

  • We would expect any applicants to be able to prepare both their character and the presented information for upcoming progress.
  • You must also be able to receive constructive criticism in a fair manner.
  • Guild Bank provides with Cauldron, Feasts, Vantus but all raiders should have extra stacks with them for raids.
  • Be respectable to your fellow raiders. Any problems with raids or raiders should be brought up to the officers.
  • Be reliable as a raider. We understand that WoW shouldn't be the most important thing in anyone's life, sometimes other things can come up on a raid night, but overall you need to be able to commit to the schedule and absences communicated beforehand.
  • We do not demand any alts, no PTR testing, or have any extra raid nights even if we're close to a kill. We do offer completely optional heroic and alt runs on off-days.

Our raid times are (Server Time): Invites at 19.45. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 20:00 – 23:00

Please apply at:

FAQ Q: Are you guys recruiting class X? A: Check the recruitment status on top. We may consider exceptional applications at any time from any class.

Q: Would you recruit me? A: Do not ask this through Discord. To be able to answer that question, we would need more information. Information that we ask for in the application form. If you're interested in joining the guild, then please apply.

If you have any questions about the guild, feel free to add Ailscena on Discord.

Discord: Ailscena#0535

Last updated 180 weeks ago

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID: 739
GroupID: 1287114
GuildID: 1320084

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 23 weeks ago