About Apex |
Apex has achieved CE for the past 6 patches in a row, going back to Ny'alotha. Our goal is to progress more efficiently as a team with every patch. Therefore, in Apex we strive to respect the time of every raider involved in our raid. We promote a mindset for our raiders to be on time, prepared and well researched for every fight. That being said, we greatly value our community and the company that we provide to one another. Raid Times
Recruitment Last updated 39 weeks ago |
About Apex |
Apex has achieved CE for the past 6 patches in a row, going back to Ny'alotha. Our goal is to progress more efficiently as a team with every patch. Therefore, in Apex we strive to respect the time of every raider involved in our raid. We promote a mindset for our raiders to be on time, prepared and well researched for every fight. That being said, we greatly value our community and the company that we provide to one another. Raid Times
Recruitment Last updated 39 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?