
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 44 weeks ago

About Fracture

The Boring Stuff: We are an AOTC focused raid guild (Heroic) and will move into Mythic if we have the raid size to do so until the next raid tier comes out.

Raid Times: Progression: Tuesday and Wednesday 6:30pm to 9:30pm PST Optional Alt/Fun Run: Friday 6:30pm to 9:30pm PST

Currently Recruiting: Tank/Warrior/Mage/Warlock

Contact: Discord : Alex Z (Nakrelator)#3470

BattleNet: Nakrelator#1188

BattleNet: Stodds13#1278

The Slightly Less Boring Stuff: The same thing happens every tier; we kill the last boss and our group of amateur bikini models/casual raiders realize they would rather be doing something else with their lives and we end up having to scour the modeling agencies and mediocre guilds for fresh recruits.

Step 1: So, you’ve looked over our raid logs and believe that you are slightly less terrible than our current terrible players and you are one of the recruited classes/specs listed and for some reason you want to raid with us. Well, I suggest you contact Nakrelator about joining the guild.

Step 2: We talk. You lie to us about how fantastic you are. We lie to you about how fantastic we are. We both realize we are lying to each other and then drink a bottle of wine and cry it out while you admit to keying your ex’s car after you broke up. Wait, OMG… this sounds like my dating life.

Step 3: Leave your guild and join us.

Step 4: Convince us during the first few raids that you weren’t raised by feral animals, or lived under high power transmission lines next to a Lead mine by not blowing up the raid six times in a row and you should fit in.

Last updated 163 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Nakrel

Officers: Talîzorah

About Fracture

The Boring Stuff: We are an AOTC focused raid guild (Heroic) and will move into Mythic if we have the raid size to do so until the next raid tier comes out.

Raid Times: Progression: Tuesday and Wednesday 6:30pm to 9:30pm PST Optional Alt/Fun Run: Friday 6:30pm to 9:30pm PST

Currently Recruiting: Tank/Warrior/Mage/Warlock

Contact: Discord : Alex Z (Nakrelator)#3470

BattleNet: Nakrelator#1188

BattleNet: Stodds13#1278

The Slightly Less Boring Stuff: The same thing happens every tier; we kill the last boss and our group of amateur bikini models/casual raiders realize they would rather be doing something else with their lives and we end up having to scour the modeling agencies and mediocre guilds for fresh recruits.

Step 1: So, you’ve looked over our raid logs and believe that you are slightly less terrible than our current terrible players and you are one of the recruited classes/specs listed and for some reason you want to raid with us. Well, I suggest you contact Nakrelator about joining the guild.

Step 2: We talk. You lie to us about how fantastic you are. We lie to you about how fantastic we are. We both realize we are lying to each other and then drink a bottle of wine and cry it out while you admit to keying your ex’s car after you broke up. Wait, OMG… this sounds like my dating life.

Step 3: Leave your guild and join us.

Step 4: Convince us during the first few raids that you weren’t raised by feral animals, or lived under high power transmission lines next to a Lead mine by not blowing up the raid six times in a row and you should fit in.

Last updated 163 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Nakrel

Officers: Talîzorah

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID: 367
GroupID: 1505146
GuildID: 1534520

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 44 weeks ago