China Secures the World First Mythic +20 of Dragonflight Season 1

With uncertainty shrouding the future of WoW in China due to a 14-year licensing partnership ending in January 2023 between Blizzard and NetEase, we are thrilled to announce that the World First +20 key was secured by a talented CN Mythic+ team!

Congratulations to 光光Hikari, 蘭兰兰, 逆旅, 三生三世, and 冷灵犀! See the video below.

Although the World First +20 was announced yesterday by Wowhead for an Oceanic (OCE) team, our Chinese Community Liaison, Neo, has confirmed that the World First Mythic +20 was in fact achieved by China (CN) — 4 minutes ahead of their OCE competitors!

Similarly to the OCE team, the World First +20 by the CN team was also completed in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds. However, the CN group’s composition differed by running a Protection Paladin instead of a Protection Warrior, and an Arcane Mage instead of a Demonology Warlock.

To learn more about how they achieved the World First +20 and gain insights into their experience, read on for some thoughts from 光光Hikari and 蘭兰兰!

Simplified Chinese translation included. (内有简体中文翻译)

Table of Contents

“The most important thing is that I love Prot Paladin. This was my first WoW character and it has become a big part of my life. Considering that the CN realm is about to close, if I didn’t play as Prot Paladin to win the Realm First achievement, I think I would end my WoW journey with huge regret.” —光光Hikari

Q-1: When you were streaming the World First +20 key, what did it feel like to have an audience? Was the pressure on? How did your viewers react when they saw you time the key? (当你直播冲击20层限时的时候,你感觉紧张吗?当水友看到你成功20限时时,他们是什么反应?)

光光Hikari: I personally didn’t stream, but 蘭兰兰 did. At noon that day, I was infected with Covid-19. By the time we reached our afternoon break, I had a fever of 38.5 °C, so I was pretty nervous. I was glad that we kept having good keys, since the faster we did it, the sooner I could go to rest. But the moment we timed it, I was very excited because most people think Prot Paladin is weak in Dragonflight Season 1, but we still won!


蘭兰兰: It was okay, and my viewers all congratulated me.


World First Mythic +20. Shadowmoon Burial Grounds - Preservation Evoker POV

Q-2: How much preparation did your team put into Mythic+ for Dragonflight Season 1? Did you all play in the Dragonflight Beta and set up strategies in advance? (你和你的队伍为了巨龙时代第一赛季大秘境都做了那些准备?你们都去B测提前练习了吗?)

光光Hikari: We prepared a lot. We had at least 5 hours of practice every weekend on Beta. On live, we all maxed our Reputation and Renown, bought all 389 item level gear, and got Primal Infusion. In addition, we also have alts that are maxed on different professions to ensure that we would not waste time on finding someone to craft stuff for us. This proved to be the right preparation, as we crafted five 418 item level weapons in less than 10 minutes, and then made the final run.


蘭兰兰: We prepared a lot after Dragonflight launched. My teammates leveled multiple alts for different professions, and they spent a lot of time making sure that we could craft the highest quality weapons and necklaces. We maxed all reputation/renown except for the Iskaara Tuskarr one. Because our team only recently formed and the Mythic+ testing period was brief during Beta, I think we only practiced a total of 2-3 days together. However, I played a lot of Mythic+ on Beta by myself since Evoker is a new class and I wanted to practice more.


“I’m very happy that I timed the World First +20 Shadowmoon Burial Grounds playing the newest class in the game. I really love Evoker’s capability of burst healing and its fast mobility.” —蘭兰兰

Q-3: How did it feel to accomplish a World First feat like this on your chosen classes/specs? How do each of your specs feel in Mythic+ this Season and what was the synergy like? (用你的职业/专精拿下世界第一成就的感觉如何?巨龙时代第一赛季大秘境里,你的职业/专精表现如何?)

光光Hikari: We did not expect to take the World First — just a Realm First is enough for me to be excited for a long time. In Dragonflight, Protection Paladin has a new ability called Sentinel, which provides incredible damage reduction. You basically can’t die during Sentinel. Additionally, the buff to Word of Glory has made it so that Prot Paladins don’t need much external healing in Mythic+.

Unlike the Zealot’s Paragon talents build recommended by Wowhead, I still choose Of Dusk and Dawn and Divine Purpose to make sure I'm invulnerable at all times. In fact, I had a very low death rate yesterday. I have played Preservation Evoker myself, and I feel it is very difficult to play and there is no way to rescue someone in a very dangerous moment because you need a lot of preparation to heal. Protection Paladin makes up for that.

Also, the 1-minute CD Hand of Sacrifice perfectly fits in many AOE situations, such as Hyrja’s AOE timeline in Halls of Valor. As a Prot Paladin, I can protect the most vulnerable class on the team, which is the Arcane Mage, or go heal the person who has lowest health, saving the healer from being distracted or wasting a GCD to heal someone alone.

The most important thing is that I love Prot Paladin. This was my first WoW character and it has become a big part of my life. Considering that the CN realm is about to close, if I didn’t play as Prot Paladin to win the Realm First achievement, I think I would end my WoW journey with huge regret.


蘭兰兰: I’m very happy that I timed the World First +20 Shadowmoon Burial Grounds playing the newest class in the game. I really love Evoker’s capability of burst healing and its fast mobility.


Q-4: What are your favorite and least favorite dungeons in Dragonflight so far and why? (巨龙时代第一赛季你最喜欢和最讨厌哪些地下城?简单地说说你选择这些地下城的理由。)

光光Hikari: My favorite dungeon is The Azure Vault. It’s not that I enjoy tanking this dungeon, but it’s that every boss of this dungeon requires you to think about the best standing position and how to manage your abilities. I really like to tank these kinds of dungeons. My least favorite is Court of Stars because my memory of Legion dungeons seems to have disappeared. Every time I tank this dungeon, I look like an idiot and need my teammates to show me where to go next.


蘭兰兰: Am I allowed to say that I kind of like Algeth’ar Academy and Ruby Life Pools? LOL. Algeth’ar Academy is a very fun dungeon to run — the mob packs can be handled very easily and can bring out very high AoE numbers. On the other hand, Ruby Life Pools is a dungeon that mostly relies on the healer and teamwork. Ruby Life Pools requires a massive amount of overall healing output and very good cooldown management. I feel very accomplished as a healer after timing Ruby Life Pools in Mythic+.


Q-5: With the recent announcement that WoW is shutting down in China, what is your plan after January? Do you and your team plan to play in another region? (魔兽世界中国服务器1月份关服后,你有什么打算呢?你和你的队伍会去其他服务器吗?)

光光Hikari: We are not considered a regular team. I will probably work for a while and wait for CN WoW to return.


蘭兰兰: I will probably go play on the Asia server. I think my teammates have their own business to attend to such as careers and school, which makes things very uncertain. However, we will all play until the day that CN WoW shuts down.


BONUS: World First Mythic +20 Talent Builds

Protection Paladin Build - 光光Hikari

(Click the image above to import these talents from Wowhead!)

Preservation Evoker Build - 蘭兰兰

(Click the image above to import these talents from Wowhead!)


About the Authors

VitaminP (VP) is the Content Manager of Raider.IO and has worked for the organization since the formation of the News Section in November 2018. Although VP is currently focused on pursuing her Masters of Business Administration, she specializes in tanking classes and has loved doing competitive Mythic+ on and off since early Legion.

Neo, Aka Soulawaken is a Chinese World of Warcraft streamer that streams on DouYu, and Neo is also the Raider.IO Chinese Community Liaison. Neo has been working with Raider.IO for more than 4 years to synchronize data from CN WoW servers with other servers around the world. Neo has long hoped that one day Netease will re-enable the player armory API so that players in China will have free and easy access to Raider.IO and other World of Warcraft third-party sites. He plays Warriors in World of Warcraft for 5 years and has mastered a unique technique known in Chinese as "整蛊". His favorite catch phrase is “真对啊哥”, which is "that's so true" in English.