Hey, ya'll. I'm Bolt and i'm an officer in the guild "Ingenious". We created the guild late into Season 3 of Shadowlands and have been building it up from scratch. Below you can see our recruitment info. If anything catches your eye, feel free to drop me a msg on discord.
Guild & Server: <Ingenious> (H) Tarren-Mill
Raid Times/Days: Wed/Sun 20:30 Server time
Current Progression: 8/8 H, 5/8 M
Recruitment Contacts: @BoltSting#4915
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/tarren-mill/Ingenious
RaiderIO: raider.io/guilds/eu/tarren-mill/Ingenious
Requirements: Attendance, Mature behavior, Team>Parses, The desire to keep improving on their gameplay.
Recruiting: At the moment we are looking to recruit a Resto Shaman and a Mage
All exceptional players will be considered regardless of class/spec. :)
Even though we are a raiding oriented guild, we also welcome all people who pursue M+ as a main form of content! :)
Kontaktinformationen |
BoltSting#4915 |