bnet: circus#11479
discord: .circus.
Precious memories, thanks friends:
Sanctum of Domination - 6/10M - World 800 - US 300
Castle Nathria - 10/10M - World 1500 - US 500
Nyalotha - 12/12M - World 2300 - US 900
Eternal Palace - 6/8M - World 1650 - US 600
Battle for Dazaralor - 9/9M - World 1450 - US 500
Uldir - 8/8M - World 950 - US 300
Antorus - 11/11M - World 1000 - US 300
Tomb of Sargeras - 7/9M - World 70 - US 15
Nighthold - 10/10M - World 250 - US 75
Trial of Valor - 3/3M - World 250 - US 75
Emerald Nightmare - 7/7M - World 275 - US 80
Hellfire Citadel - 11/11M
Blackrock Foundry - 10/10M
Highmaul - 7/7M
Siege of Orgrimmar - 14/14H
Throne of Thunder - 13/13H
Dragon Soul - 8/8H
Firelands - 7/7H
Icecream Citadel - 12/12H
Trial of the Grand Crusader - 4/5H
Ulduar - 14/14
Naxxramas - 15/15
Karazhan - 12/12
Kontaktinformationen |
Nichts zu sehen. |
Nerub-ar Palast | Fortschritt | Boss Kills |
Normal | 8/8 N | 16 |
Mythik+ Fortschritt
Mythik+ Fortschritt
Instanz (Core: 2,166.7) | Stufe | Punktzahl | Zeit | Affixes | Alle Regionen | Region |
Der Morgengrauen-Brecher | 9 | 306.1 | 22:55 | 1,043,961 | 331,222 | |
Ara-Kara, Stadt der Echos | 9 | 300.8 | 26:40 | 1,161,439 | 352,990 | |
Nebel der Tirna Scithe | 8 | 293.5 | 20:09 | 1,503,637 | 472,262 | |
Der Nekrotische Weckruf | 10 | 292.6 | 43:18 | 796,230 | 251,502 | |
Stadt der Fäden | 8 | 290.9 | 25:51 | 600,241 | 197,537 | |
Belagerung von Boralus | 7 | 273.3 | 26:51 | 1,325,227 | 431,593 | |
Das Steingewölbe | 4 | 218.3 | 21:16 | 1,588,770 | 542,344 | |
Grim Batol | 3 | 191.3 | 23:48 | 2,088,859 | 701,285 |
Instanz (Core: 2,166.7) | Stufe | Punktzahl | Zeit | Affixes | Alle Regionen | Region |
DAWNDer Morgengrauen-Brecher | 9 | 306.1 | 22:55 | 1,043,961 | 331,222 | |
ARAKAra-Kara, Stadt der Echos | 9 | 300.8 | 26:40 | 1,161,439 | 352,990 | |
MISTENNebel der Tirna Scithe | 8 | 293.5 | 20:09 | 1,503,637 | 472,262 | |
MWDer Nekrotische Weckruf | 10 | 292.6 | 43:18 | 796,230 | 251,502 | |
COTStadt der Fäden | 8 | 290.9 | 25:51 | 600,241 | 197,537 | |
SIEGEBelagerung von Boralus | 7 | 273.3 | 26:51 | 1,325,227 | 431,593 | |
SVDas Steingewölbe | 4 | 218.3 | 21:16 | 1,588,770 | 542,344 | |
GBGrim Batol | 3 | 191.3 | 23:48 | 2,088,859 | 701,285 |