Kovrim, a valiant but often misguided champion of the Light, carved his legend not through flawless combat, but through an uncanny ability to attract the attention of every foe in a dungeon before his tank could so much as raise a shield. A steadfast member of the Alliance, Kovrim set forth on his holy crusade with righteous zeal—but more often than not, that zeal led him charging headfirst into packs of enemies, much to the dismay of his party.
Despite his noble intentions, Kovrim developed an infamous reputation among his guildmates and dungeon groups for his habit of “accidentally” pulling additional mobs, earning him whispered titles such as The Unintentional Off-Tank and The Harbinger of Wipes. His uncanny knack for pressing Consecration at the worst possible moment, or bravely engaging enemies just beyond the tank’s reach, became the stuff of raid leader nightmares.
Yet, for all his missteps, Kovrim refused to abandon his sacred duty. Seeking guidance, he turned to the divine wisdom of Hekili, an addon blessed by the code-forged gods of automation. With its righteous assistance, he finally began to grasp the optimal timing and rotation for his abilities—though even Hekili could not prevent the occasional misfire of Divine Storm in a crowded hallway.
Through trial and error (and a great many battle resurrections), Kovrim eventually honed his reckless enthusiasm into a more controlled form of holy wrath. Though his journey was paved with misjudged pulls, panicked Divine Shields, and whispered reassurances that “this time will be different,” his heart remained unshaken.
To this day, Kovrim rides forth into battle, forever guided by the Light—and by a well-configured addon—to ensure that his righteous fury is a danger to his foes and not his allies.
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Befreiung von Undermine | Fortschritt | Boss Kills |
Heldenhaft | 4/8 H | 4 |
Normal | 8/8 N | 24 |