Zuletzt gescannt 4 Tage vor
Über Obsidium |
Obsidium is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on US-Thrall. We pride ourselves in efficient use of our 3-day (12 hour) a week raid schedule to clear competitive content. Historic Progression: Sunwell cleared pre-nerfs H: Lich King - US 34th H: Halion - US 40th I Can't Hear You Over The Sound of How Awesome I Am - US 1st H: Al'Akir - US 13th H: Sinestra - US 12th H: Nefarian - US 10th H: Cho'gall - US 18th H: Ragnaros - US 31st H: Madness of Deathwing - US 23rd M: Archimonde - US 23rd M: Xavius - US 37th M: Helya - US 24th M: Gul'dan - US 22nd M: Kil'Jaeden - US 36th M: Lady Jaina Proudmoore - US 86th M: Queen Azshara - US 103rd M: N'Zoth the Corruptor - US 95th M: Sire Denathrius - US 80th The two main ideas behind our philosophy:
Raid Times: Tuesday 8:30PM - 12:30AM, EST. Wednesday 8:30PM - 12:30AM, EST. Thursday 8:30PM - 12:30AM, EST. We add an extra raid day the first two weeks of a mythic tier opening. We are always looking for exceptional players of any class so feel free to apply regardless of the listed openings. We run a small raid roster and do not recruit for the bench - you will be expected to show up and perform every night . Loot is handled via officer decision with a primary focus on how each piece can most benefit the guild's overall progression. Our historic progression can be found at <www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/frostmane/Obsidium/rating.tier11_25>. If you are interested put in an application, or contact the recruitment officer if you have any questions. Sertz#1697 or Gork#11109 Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1T436qfUa46FIAKSpcOiy2q8nWMdk\_IiDfgbvteufnv0 Zuletzt aktualisiert 185 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Shakerbaker Beamte: Eyebell |
Über Obsidium |
Obsidium is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on US-Thrall. We pride ourselves in efficient use of our 3-day (12 hour) a week raid schedule to clear competitive content. Historic Progression: Sunwell cleared pre-nerfs H: Lich King - US 34th H: Halion - US 40th I Can't Hear You Over The Sound of How Awesome I Am - US 1st H: Al'Akir - US 13th H: Sinestra - US 12th H: Nefarian - US 10th H: Cho'gall - US 18th H: Ragnaros - US 31st H: Madness of Deathwing - US 23rd M: Archimonde - US 23rd M: Xavius - US 37th M: Helya - US 24th M: Gul'dan - US 22nd M: Kil'Jaeden - US 36th M: Lady Jaina Proudmoore - US 86th M: Queen Azshara - US 103rd M: N'Zoth the Corruptor - US 95th M: Sire Denathrius - US 80th The two main ideas behind our philosophy:
Raid Times: Tuesday 8:30PM - 12:30AM, EST. Wednesday 8:30PM - 12:30AM, EST. Thursday 8:30PM - 12:30AM, EST. We add an extra raid day the first two weeks of a mythic tier opening. We are always looking for exceptional players of any class so feel free to apply regardless of the listed openings. We run a small raid roster and do not recruit for the bench - you will be expected to show up and perform every night . Loot is handled via officer decision with a primary focus on how each piece can most benefit the guild's overall progression. Our historic progression can be found at <www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/frostmane/Obsidium/rating.tier11_25>. If you are interested put in an application, or contact the recruitment officer if you have any questions. Sertz#1697 or Gork#11109 Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1T436qfUa46FIAKSpcOiy2q8nWMdk\_IiDfgbvteufnv0 Zuletzt aktualisiert 185 Wochen vor |