Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament - Talent Preview!

Are you getting excited for the Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament? The competition starts in less than a week, and we are looking forward to watching new teams and faces make their debut into the competitive dungeon-running scene. The KSB Tournament is a great entry-level event that is accessible to all players, without the daunting prospect of facing off against seasoned pros in the MDI or The Great Push. We are immensely proud to be a supporter of the KSB, organized and produced by the amazing crew over at the Oasis Community!
A few days ago, we gave you an inside look at the tournament format, as well as an introduction to the 10 participating teams. Did you know that there’s multiple teams entering the competition without a healer? Or that one guild has two separate teams entered? If you want to learn more about the teams to cheer on this weekend and the event itself, check out our detailed preview here.
Today, we are focusing on the KSB talent desk! We are incredibly fortunate to have a stellar array of talent lined up for the upcoming KSB event. Some of the best hosts and casters from WoW Esports will be on hand, bringing you all of the details and analysis for each dungeon! We also have a couple of casters who are new to the desk, but have substantial experience in Mythic+ and raiding, and we are excited to see what kind of perspective they bring to the show. Read below to learn more about each host and caster that will be guiding you through all things KSB this coming weekend!

Table of Contents

The Hosts
Introduce yourself!
I am Eiya! I have been working in esports since 2016 and started commentating in 2019. You can regularly find me hosting the World of Warcraft AWC and occasionally popping in during the MDI. I also host the Complexity Limit RWF. Most recently I interviewed the Esports Awards award nominees on the red carpet for
What is your World of Warcraft experience and history?
I started playing WoW during Burning Crusade in March 2007. I started as a Druid and moved to a Death Knight during Wrath of the Lich King. pls buff.
What is your favourite part about hosting WoW Esports, and Mythic+ dungeon events in particular?
My favorite part about working in WoW Esports is how tight knit the community is. We generally all want to see each other succeed and support one another, and working a WoW event feels like coming home.
What about hosting the KSB event are you most looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to supporting a new event!
If you had an entrance or walk-on song, what would it be?
Introduce yourself!
Hey, I’m Ferris! I’m a semi-competitive WoW player who mains (and loves) Restoration Druid. I’m in love with the WoW PvE scene, and I'm also fairly involved with its various facets. I’m one of the PvE leaders for the Oasis Community, and have recently been hired by the Raider.IO as the Community & Events Coordinator! I love reading, writing, and creating events related to World of Warcraft.
What is your World of Warcraft experience and history?
I started playing WoW back in early MoP, but didn’t fully get into the game (or understand things) until mid-Legion when my guild brought me into Emerald Nightmare for my first-ever raid experience. It was quite literally a nightmare, since I had no understanding of any of the mechanics or how to heal in a raid. On the bright side, the experience motivated me to invest some time into navigating PvE and exploring the game outside of my former World PVP/Auction House Transmogging adventures. Since then, I’ve been dedicating myself to learning about various parts of the game and exploring my passion — PvE. I’m a big fan of raiding, and almost nothing excites me more than the release of a new raid and being able to read about and see the new mechanics. The only exception to that is, of course, Mythic+. I’ve been doing keys since 7.2 back in Legion, and I’m grateful to say that I’ve gotten at least a little better at them over the past few years.
What is your favourite part about hosting WoW Esports, and Mythic+ dungeon events in particular?
This is my second time hosting a WoW Esports event, with the first being Season 1 of this tournament. My favorite part is being able to rally the community around the events and being able to share my excitement and passion with the audience.
What about hosting the KSB event are you most looking forward to?
I’m most looking forward to the very first day, where I’ll be able to greet viewers for the very first time this season and introduce them to the event!
If you had an entrance or walk-on song, what would it be?

The Casters
Introduce yourself!
My name is Celiene, but I go by Cellux or Celluxies. This is my first casting experience, but I’m really looking forward to it. I am so grateful for the opportunity to branch out into something new!
What is your World of Warcraft experience and history?
My dad got me into WoW when I was really young, back in 2007, to grind his holiday achievements for him. I’ve played ever since then, but I played casually until BFA. In Uldir, I started raiding and jumped into Mythic, and got to 5/8M as a Holy Priest. The next tier, both of my raid leads quit and passed the reins of the team to me. I pushed the team to CE Jaina with half a tier of experience raiding, and I have been CE since that tier, now totaling 5 CE achievements. I started doing Mythic+ in season 1 of BFA, but didn’t push for score until season 3. Season 4 and post-season my groups were a bit finicky, but I ended Season 1 in Shadowlands as one of the top 100 Holy Paladins in the world!
What is your favourite part about casting WoW Esports, and Mythic+ dungeon events in particular?
I love all of the competitive banter, and the memes on Twitter after the fact. The community is why I play the game and what makes it fun!
What about casting the KSB event are you most looking forward to?
I’m really looking forward to giving my point of view on how comps will affect dungeons, how and why things could’ve gone more smoothly, or why things worked the way they did. I love making strats more understandable by breaking down their basics.
If you had an entrance or walk-on song, what would it be?
source: Vitamins by Qveen Herby
Introduce yourself!
Hello friends, my name is Brenton, I’m a 37-year-old dork from Australia and I’ve been playing WoW since Vanilla...if you ask me, I’ll tell you all about it. I work full-time in emergency services, as a radio operator for the Police. I have 2 kids, and a wife that tolerates me and Warcraft (I can stop anytime I want to, I just don’t want to).
I got into casting back in BFA with the Keystone Masters Tournament. I then progressed into RWF casting with BDGG in Castle Nathria, then in Sanctum of Domination I had the privilege of casting for both BDGG and Method, I also had the giga pleasure of casting the Raider. IO Mythic+ Charity Pro-AM event.
What is your World of Warcraft experience and history?
Well as I mentioned, I played in Vanilla, when the game was hard (kekw). I started off as an Arms/Fury warrior and raided in a top US guild called Stoic on Bonechewer (shout out to any of those guys still playing, nerds).
I got into tanking as my main role towards the end of WOTLK and have continued that role ever since. I’m a huge fan of 5-man content, with MoP Challenge Modes really lighting a fire in that setting, where I completed gold on Multiple Tank classes (Paladin, DK, Warrior, and Monk) and again doing the same in WOD where I started my YouTube Channel in an effort to help others improve and achieve their goals. I really enjoyed that aspect of content, which led to further content around dungeons, Mage Towers, and my 2-minute tank guides for raid tiers. I play at a decent level, and achieved world 79th for Brewmaster Monk in Legion and world 36th for Blood DK in BFA.
I generally like to play all 6 tank classes if the option is there (been a while), but my main is generally Blood DK. Mythic+ is my favorite form of content, as it’s much easier to fit in with my lifestyle of shift work and family etc. I also really enjoy the dynamic nature that comes from dungeon tanking compared with raids. These days, the hours available for me to play have greatly diminished, but I still do okay for a part-time boomer dad.
What is your favourite part about casting WoW Esports, and Mythic+ dungeon events in particular?
For me, it’s just being involved. I love this game. Casting feels like such a privileged position in getting to talk about something you are so passionate about and getting a front-row seat to the amazing talent on offer. World of Warcraft has some incredible gamers playing it, and being in a position to highlight those players, their plays, their talents, and talk about what makes them so good is a really awesome aspect of casting.
What about casting the KSB event are you most looking forward to?
I see the KSB as an entry-level Great Push event and from that, I really hope to see a bunch of new faces entering and getting involved. A lot of players play Mythic+ at varying levels, and I think a lot of those players often see these kinds of events pop up and think “I would love to do that, but…” I’m hoping this being a community-driven event gives them the access to join and participate and I’ve got no doubt we’ll see some rad plays.
If you had an entrance or walk-on song, what would it be?
source: The Void by Parkway Drive
Introduce yourself!
Hey folks, my name is Kexman and I’ve been Casting/Hosting for approximately 12 months now! You may have seen me in the RWF events for both Echo and Method in both Castle Nathria and Sanctum of Domination. Outside of the RWF, I was a regular caster for the Diabolus Deathbowl as well as on the desk of the very first KSB, so I’m super excited to be back for “KSB 2: Depleting Boogaloo”
What is your World of Warcraft experience and history?
I was introduced to WoW just before the game released in the EU by a very good friend of mine. The idea of a constantly online world interested me, so I decided to take the plunge and I created a Tauren Warrior on Quel’Thalas EU. 17 years later I am STILL playing that exact same Tauren Warrior, now residing on Ragnaros EU in the guild Swagnaros. There’s also a running joke that I don’t actually have any real alts, almost entirely spending my /played time on my Warrior. I’ve almost exclusively played PvE myself, but I enjoy and appreciate the skill that goes into PvP. Outside of raids, I do enjoy the occasional Transmog farm in older content.
What is your favourite part about casting WoW Esports, and Mythic+ dungeon events in particular?
For me, the best thing about Casting/Hosting events, whether it be a Community event or an Official event, is the engagement from the community. I love bringing these events to people that may not have seen something like this before, and it’s in a part of the game that is INCREDIBLY open to events such as this. The beauty of timing keys as quickly as you can, running almost on a knife-edge between failure and success, is what brings Warcraft to its highest peak, and I cannot wait to see what the teams have in store.
What about casting the KSB event are you most looking forward to?
The most exciting time for Mythic+ is when you’re running that fine line between success and failure, especially in the higher keys. KSB is all about that sweet spot of maximising your time in completing keys, as well as deciding how hard you want to push it. I’m super excited to see some of the choices that these teams make as they push on to be champions of “KSB 2: Depleting Boogaloo”.
If you had an entrance or walk-on song, what would it be?
source: Franky Theme - One Piece OST
Introduce yourself!
I always loved esports. I enjoy being an educator, and casting is what brings these two passions together. I think I have been casting for about two years now and I still feel like I’m only at the beginning of that journey. I've casted the RWF for the German guild Aversion and for BDGG twice now. I’ve casted several Mythic+ tournaments in English and German, among them one of the MDI Cups on the main channel and the rest of them on the German localisation as well as the German TGP event. Recently, I've been trying to diversify a little and I’m looking into TFT and League casts, which are really fun so far!
What is your World of Warcraft experience and history?
Coming out of a boring forest area in the middle of Germany, there wasn't much to do except gaming. I played a lot of games across all consoles, handhelds and finally got into PC building and computer games. The one game I always avoided was WoW, so it is really ironic that when I finally tried it, I got completely hooked. I started out as a Hunter main and then played Holy Priest OTP for way too long. I switched to melee DPS in Ny'alotha and haven’t really looked back. I wish DK was in a better spot at the moment but because it isn’t, I play DH. I raid Mythic CE, and we placed world 184 in Sanctum. That is my main content for both classes.
What is your favourite part about casting WoW Esports, and Mythic+ dungeon events in particular?
I love when the community comes together. Whether it's for a guild that over-times a HC end-boss in the first raid until 5am and everyone watches their streams, or whether it is the RWF. It just makes me incredibly happy. I think Mythic+ is super entertaining because there is always something to see and players always strive to give us new improved routes, class choices or 5Head strats.
What about casting the KSB event are you most looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to seeing newer players find a standing in the Mythic+ scene and I am very excited to cast with the other casters. I’ve been wanting to cast with some of them for EONS, so maybe now we finally get to do that! I hope we have a great weekend and get to entertain many people!
If you had an entrance or walk-on song, what would it be?
Introduce yourself!
Hello, my name is Jordan and I’m from England! I have done several videos with dungeon commentary in the past. The main purpose of those videos is centered around helping people improve and learn tips and tricks in dungeons. However this is my first opportunity to live cast!
What is your World of Warcraft experience and history?
I have been playing WoW more seriously since mid Legion. Mage has always stood out to me in every game. Warcraft was no exception! I have pretty much always played Mage. I play all three specs; however, I have focused on Frost mainly in Shadowlands. My favourite areas of the game are Mythic raiding and Mythic+. I have many cutting edges under my belt. In BFA, I was ranked one of the top Frost Mages in the world for multiple seasons and, at the end of BFA, I ended 28th Mage in the world as Fire. I recently competed in the MDI also!
What is your favourite part about casting WoW Esports, and Mythic+ dungeon events in particular?
Dungeons in Warcraft generally feel unlimited in possibility. It’s so exciting to see the unique strats that teams execute —thinking outside of the box and finding new ways to get ahead! Also, it’s a great way for you and the community to share passion for the game.
What about casting the KSB event are you most looking forward to?
I'm most excited to see what strats the players come up with. I can't wait to see what routes and tricks they have up their sleeves!
If you had an entrance or walk-on song, what would it be?
Fully embracing the cringe here, but it would be Kesha — Tik Tok...because the party really doesn’t start till I walk in!
source: TiK ToK by Ke$ha
Introduce yourself!
I am a Protection Warrior Campaigner and Vulpera sympathizer. I have been playing WoW since TBC. I am most known for my Twitch-Partnered Stream, Protection Warrior guides on YouTube and pushing high-level Mythic+ Keys. When not pushing Mythic+, you can find me running community keys, giving friendly advice in my Discord as well as Skyhold and keeping my Mythic+ team in line.
I started out as a collegiate Starcraft 2 Caster while in university. Rumor has it, to this day, you can find young Plka on YouTube screaming “Plagueeee”. More recently I have been a host for the podcast “But My Parse” and a Guest Speaker on the Titanforge Podcast and MarcelianOnline.
What is your World of Warcraft experience and history?
I started on a wee little server called Undermine where I started my adventures as a Draenei Resto Shaman. After achieving my goals of server first Lady Vashj/Illidan and Gladiator in PvP I realized my true calling was to the Meat Gang. Thus, was born Plka the Warrior Princess. Then after many years of never getting into dungeon groups as a DPS warrior, I realized that MAYBE, just MAYBE, if I got really well known as a strong Tank player in dungeons, I would then be able to slowly sneak back to DPS once I was trusted as a good player. I was very wrong….and now I am a forever Tank player. My content focuses on informative High-End Mythic+ Tanking especially with Protection Warrior.
What is your favourite part about casting WoW Esports, and Mythic+ dungeon events in particular?
My favorite part about casting/hosting WoW Esports events is the intensity and concentration you see all the competitors going through. Usually when you are doing Mythic+, you really only get to feel your own stress and anxiety. When it comes to competition, you get to see it on all the competitors — even more so because they are rushed for time. It is interesting to see how the best of the best deal with the hardest situations but most of all to see how they deal with something when things go wrong. Wipe recovery and split-second decision making are crucial for Mythic+ play, so it is always exciting to see what the competitors will bring to the table.
What about casting the KSB event are you most looking forward to?
I am most excited for the free chicken nuggies that all the casters were promised. If only…haha…But honestly, the most exciting thing in the KSB tournament will be seeing how some of these amazing community teams come up with unique strategies that best fit with their group composition. From Unholy DK to Ret Paladin, I am sure it will be a fantastic tournament. I’m sad to see no Protection Warrior, though. I will go cry in my corner.
If you had an entrance or walk-on song, what would it be?
source: Let It Go (Frozen) - Disney
Introduce yourself!
I’m Psy, a WoW streamer that’s built up a reputation for playing Feral & Survival in Mythic+.
My first ever casting role was for Dream Mythic Masters, a Mythic+ tournament based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Shortly after, I then took part in the Keystone Masters (KSM) tournaments. I began hosting events for the Pieces org such as the “Piece of Mind” talk show as well as two of their recent Race to World First (RWF) events. I also worked alongside BDGG during the RWF of Sanctum of Domination. I then appeared on The Great Push (TGP) for WoW Esports and have since taken part in their MDI Group A stage as a Guest Caster.
What is your World of Warcraft experience and history?
I’Ve BeEn pLaYInG siNCe vAniLlA...and at this point, I’ve probably spent a few years of my life logged into the game. Whoops.
Since streaming, I’ve really honed in on Feral Druid as my main — ironically, I picked it in Legion pre-patch because of how strong I thought it was going to be. More recently, I’ve picked up Survival Hunter because of how incredibly fun it is, so much of my stream time is based around pushing keys as either Feral Druid or Survival Hunter. I’ve also recently gotten back into raiding on my Feral so I stream that content too!
What is your favourite part about casting/hosting WoW Esports, and Mythic+ dungeon events in particular?
That’s a really good question. Casting and Hosting are very different so I like them equally but for different reasons. When hosting, I enjoy being able to ask casters questions that they are passionate about. When casting, I love being able to approach a situation from a unique angle and put a new spin on things. Most of all, being able to hype up the players and teams and bring flavour to their gameplay in a way that they can’t is fantastic — e.g. explaining their rise to success or the hardships they’ve had to overcome like the last RWF where Pieces were struck down by the 11 Plagues of Egypt.
I spend a lot of my time running keys, so when it comes to Mythic+ events specifically, I want to see teams do pulls/routes/strats that make me go “wait wtf”. Having that personal experience and investment in keys makes me really appreciate what the teams are achieving. I love casting over those moments.
What about casting the KSB event are you most looking forward to?
I’m most looking forward to seeing all the new teams and players and what they can bring to the table. We don’t have many amateur-esque events in WoW esports, so we should really cherish this weekend. Of course we’ll be seeing some unconventional team comps and THAT will be exciting. Let’s hope I know what Ret Paladin or Assassination Rogue do! Lastly, I’ll be jumping back on the desk with some really good friends that I’ve made since I began casting. I’m pumped.
If you had an entrance or walk-on song, what would it be?

The Sponsors
As mentioned above, we at Raider.IO have partnered with Oasis to assist them in bringing this event to the community. We are also extremely proud and grateful to announce that Twitch will be supporting the KSB as well!
In fact, the support doesn’t stop there. This event, and others like it, could not happen without the community’s help. If you’re interested in fostering the growth of KSB with us, you can contribute by:
- Donating directly to the prize pool via the Matcherino link
- Watching the stream on the Oasis Twitch Channel December 3-5
- Promoting the event on social media by tweeting and retweeting about it!
Rallying behind these community initiatives has far-reaching impacts, as they will only make the game we love better.