Recent Updates with tag "announcement"

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NEW: Mythic+ Heatmaps

Have you ever wanted to know the most common pulls, Bloodlust timings, and pain points in each Mythic+ dungeon at specific keystone levels, or with certain group compositions? Our newest feature, Mythic+ Heatmaps, leverages data sourced from millions of Live Tracked runs to show you what players are putting into action.

The World First Mythic +15 in The War Within has been claimed!

A new milestone has just been hit in The War Within, as a team in China has claimed the expansion's World First timed Mythic +15 keystone! Read on to learn about their Mythic +15 Mists of Tirna Scithe. Congratulations to 戰临丶, 蓝小北, Flareup, 哆啦丶, and 奶球龙!

Break the Meta Returns for Dragonflight Season 3... with a Special Twist!

Break the Meta is BACK! It's time to break out the off-meta specs and get pushing those keystones. Earn exclusive prizes such as the Dreaming Banner of the Aspects in-game Toy, and the BTM Prize Bundle...and this Season, we've introduced a special event just for all of you Demon Hunters. Read on to learn more!

Raider.IO Year in Review: 2023

Let's take a look back at what 2023 meant for Raider.IO!

The Mythic+ Charity Pro-Am Returns on July 30th!

The Mythic+ Charity Pro-Am is BACK! The 2022 edition of this awesome event is brought to you by Raider.IO and Team Liquid. Click here to learn all about this unique and exciting Mythic+ competition, and more importantly about how YOU can register to play with the Pros and raise money for some incredible charities!

World of Warcraft 10.0: Dragonflight Announced

Today, the new WoW expansion was revealed: Dragonflight! Here is a quick recap of everything we know so far.

APRIL FOOLS! NEW: Season 4 Affix Discovered?

New Seasonal Affix for the upcoming Season 4 Mythic+ discovered on the PTR? Check it out, you won't believe your eyes!

Recruitment System Update: Mythic+ Teams, Fixes and Changes!

The public beta of the Raider.IO Recruitment System launched 2 weeks ago to the date. Since then we've welcomed and received a ton of great feedback, much of which we've used to make improvements and fixes to the System already. We're also proud to announce the addition of Mythic+ Team Recruitment! Read on to learn all about the changes, updates, and fixes we've made to the Recruitment System.

Announcing our NEW Recruitment System!

Today marks the 5-year anniversary of Raider.IO! To celebrate, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our public beta for the official Raider.IO Recruitment System. Find guilds, teams, communities, or players that are tailored to your exact needs, and communicate directly on our platform. Read on to learn more about our Recruitment System and enter our anniversary Giveaway!

Limit to Join Team Liquid

The reveal we have all been waiting for is finally here, as current World 2nd guild Limit announces they have joined forces with world renowned Esports Organization Team Liquid! Rebranding as <LIQUID> under the new Liquid MMO pillar of the organization, this partnership is poised to blaze a new path in the world of MMO Esports. Read all about it here!

Legion Timewalking Mythic+ Events!

We're bringing you a special two weeks of events to celebrate the Legion Mythic+ Timewalking! The High Key Hustle is back, so get your big dungeon pants on because this one is all about going as high and as fast as you can! We're also introducing a brand new event at the same time with more ways to win: Raider.IO Bonus Objectives! Read on to learn more about how to participate.

Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament - Talent Preview!

We recently gave you a preview into the KSB event and the participating teams, and today we bring you some inside knowledge about the amazing talent desk! Read on to find out more about the stellar hosts and casters that will be guiding you through the KSB tournament this weekend. Some casters are tried and true, and some are brand new!

Mythic+ Keystone Builders - Event and Team Preview!

The folks at Oasis are back with another Mythic+ Keystone Builders Tournament! This is a great event that takes place on live servers where teams are allotted a certain amount of time to push a keystone as high as possible, starting at a +2. The KSB will be taking place on December 3, 4, and 5 on the Oasis Twitch channel. Read on for a preview on the competing teams, and the incredible talent lineup!

Raider.IO Discord Revamp and GIVEAWAY!

We're bringing some new flavour to the Raider.IO Community Discord, and holding a full month of giveaways and fun to celebrate! Read on to find out how you can win fantastic World of Warcraft prizes!

Raider.IO Push Week: Tyrannical Edition!

We're back with another Push Week competition! Register your teams at Raider.IO and push those keystones during the reset of Nov 9/10 - 15/16 to earn fabulous in-game prizes. Just to make things a little interesting, this time we're holding the event during a Tyrannical get out there and show those bosses what you're made of!

New Raid Progression Features and Stream Widgets!

We are proud to unveil even more features on the Raider.IO Website to help you track your raid progression, and even more Stream Widgets that you can use on your own Stream for your viewers to track your raid progression in an easy to see manner!

Compete in the First Push Week Event for Shadowlands Season 2!

It's time to get back into those dungeons and compete in the Official Raider.IO Push Week! The first Push Week of Season 2 is here, so get your teams together and push through the dungeons of Shadowlands, now with the Tormented affix!

Raider.IO RWF Giveaway & Stream Widgets!

This RWF, we're celebrating in style by bringing you some exciting new features to use on your own streams, as well as a giveaway! Check it out!

Announcing the First-Ever Mythic+ Charity Pro-Am!

We are proud to announce the first-ever Mythic+ Charity Pro-Am competition, in collaboration with Complexity-Limit and Keystone Masters! Read here to learn more about the event, and to register to play alongside some of the biggest names in the game!

INSIDE SCOOP: Blizzard's New Mythic+ Scoring System

Blizzard is launching a new in-game Mythic+ Scoring System with Patch 9.1: Chains of Domination. We've got the inside track on this new system, and we will be bringing you details on how it works as it develops!

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