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The Great Push 2023 - Proving Grounds Recap

The Dragonflight Season 2 TGP Proving Grounds have concluded, determining the 18 teams who will be competing in the three group weekends over the next month! As the entire event was not live-streamed, we have put together a recap of all the developments and a bit of drama that happened over the course of the five-day event!

Fireside Tales: Aberrus - A Shattered Legacy

The campfire is burning once more, as we sit down to look at Neltharion's legacy, and those who seek to follow it. From the beginning of the Dracthyr and Neltharion's control over them, to the depths of Aberrus and the dark shadows lurking in its depths, it was not Neltharion's legacy that Wrathion, Sabellian and Sarkareth were chasing. Join us as we discover what Deathwing left behind for those willing to submit and serve, and how his shattered legacy was reforged for a brighter future.

Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: RWF Event Guide

The wait is finally over! The Race for World First for Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible starts today, and numerous guilds are putting on a great show for all the RWF enthusiasts and newcomers alike. If you want to know more about which guilds will be producing events, what charities they are raising funds for, or where to find your favorite talent, our RWF Event Guide has it all!

The RWF of Aberrus: Rosters, China, and More!

With Aberrus soon opening its doors, the RWF guilds are in full-on preparation mode. They have not been idle since the Vault of the Incarnated RWF has ended, however, and every guild has plenty of new players in their roster. We've taken a look at some of the new players, and how much has changed since we last saw everybody compete in the RWF. We've also taken a look at the situation in China, and we come bearing good news!

MDI 2023 Big Brain Strats - Group Stage and The Last Stand

With the Group Stage and The Last Stand of the Dragonflight Season 1 MDI having concluded, we're back with some of the Big Brain Strats we saw leading up to the Global Finals! Check out the clips to learn the tricks showcased by the pros!

MDI 2023: The Last Stand Preview

The last chance to earn a spot in the coveted Global Finals of the 2023 Mythic Dungeon International is upon us with The Last Stand taking place this weekend! With no more head-to-head games, it is an all-out brawl now, and the pressure is on...which teams will prevail? Read on for everything you need to know about the 2023 Last Stand competitors!

MDI 2023: Group C Preview

The 2023 Mythic Dungeon International is upon us and the action starts NOW! Who will earn one of the coveted spots in the MDI Global Finals from Group C this weekend? Learn more about the participating teams and our predictions!

MDI 2023: Group B Preview

The 2023 Mythic Dungeon International is upon us and the action starts NOW! Who will earn one of the coveted spots in the MDI Global Finals from Group B this weekend? Learn more about the participating teams and our predictions!

Group Loot in Vault of the Incarnates: Do We Like It?

After two expansions of forced Personal Loot, Dragonflight opted to implement Group Loot with no trade restrictions instead. The aim was to give players more control over loot distribution in raids...but was it a success? Today we explore the pros and cons of the loot system in Vault of the Incarnates, the impact on tier sets, and how things could be improved in the future.

"Heroic Week" - Yay or Nay?

With the launch of Vault of the Incarnates, we saw all raid difficulties release at the same time for the first time in WoW raiding history — but how did it all play out in action for different types of guilds? Did raiders like it? Today, we share some thoughts and player perspectives on the pros and cons of the simultaneous raid release of Vault of the Incarnates.

Getting the Most from Raider.IO in Dragonflight Season 1

Want a refresher on the different features Raider.IO is offering in Dragonflight? Read on to learn more about our website, in-game tools, and social media features to help you glide through the Season!

Meet the Raid Leaders: Competitive Two-Day Guilds, Arctic Avengers and Rain

Is Hall of Fame possible with a raid schedule of only 2 days/8 hours a week?! Today, we chat with Unholydeathh and Please: the Raid leaders of competitive 2-day raiding guilds Arctic Avengers (EU) and Rain (NA). Want to learn how they manage to accomplish greatness on such a tight raid schedule? Read on!

The Unsung Heroes of the RWF

Today, we delve into the background of the “Unsung Heroes” of the RWF — the individuals who worked tirelessly behind-the-scenes to help make the race of Sepulcher as special as it was. The Unsung Heroes contributed to the guilds’ successes in ways you might not even know about! Want to learn about what goes into producing, analyzing, and competing in the RWF? Read on!

Untested Bosses: Analysis and Implications for the Sepulcher RWF

The RWF of Sepulcher of the First Ones is sure to be a special tier with the final 3 bosses not receiving PTR testing, one boss being substantially reworked after PTR testing concluded, and the untested bosses being unavailable until Mythic difficulty opens. Based on responses from top raiders, this article analyzes and predicts the trajectory of this RWF in regard to tuning and balancing, and the challenges that await competitors when approaching the 3 untested bosses for the very first time.

Player Perspectives: How Do Top Guilds Feel about the Upcoming RWF?

While preparations are in full effect for the upcoming Race to World First of Sepulcher of the First Ones, we spoke to players from 6 of the top world raiding guilds about their expectations, hopes, and concerns for this new tier. Today, we chat about their thoughts on having 3 untested bosses in Sepulcher, the impact the untested bosses had on their preparations, the divide between NA and EU, and more!

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