Recent Updates with tag "mythic-plus" (Page 2)

Mythic+ Group Comps & Dungeon Success Rates (Week 8)

Week 8 of the 1st Mythic+ Season of The War Within has come to an end, so let's Dive into the Data! Here's a look at the most popular group compositions for Mythic+ Dungeons, dungeon success rates for different keystone levels, and a new set of graphs showing the TOTAL number of completed dungeons from Week to Week. Read on to learn more!

Mythic+ Group Comps & Dungeon Success Rates (Week 7)

Week 7 of the 1st Mythic+ Season of The War Within has come to an end, so let's Dive into the Data! Here's a look at the most popular group compositions for Mythic+ Dungeons, dungeon success rates for different keystone levels, and the big shift in the tank meta...Prot Paladins are back!

Mythic+ Group Comps, Dungeon Success Rates, & Dracthyr Popularity (Week 6)

Week 6 of the 1st Mythic+ Season of The War Within has come to an end, so let's Dive into the Data! We took a look at the most popular group compositions for Mythic+ Dungeons as well as dungeon success rates for different keystone levels and, as a nod to the new Dracthyr classes unlocked last week, we peeked at race change occurrences as well! Read on to learn more.

Special Edition Data Dive: Mythic+ Group Comps, Dungeon Success Rates, & Time Trials (Week 5)

We're bringing you a Special Edition Data Dive! This past week was the Time Trials for the Mythic Dungeon International (MDI), so we're taking a look at the most popular group compositions on both Live servers, and from the Time Trials! We've also got dungeon success rates so you can better prepare your Mythic+ group. Read on to learn more!

Most Popular Mythic+ Group Comps & Dungeon Success Rates (Week 4)

Week 4 of the 1st Mythic+ Season of The War Within has come to an end, so let's Dive into the Data! We took a look at the most popular group compositions for Mythic+ Dungeons as well as dungeon success rates for different keystone levels. Read on to learn more!

The World First Mythic +15 in The War Within has been claimed!

A new milestone has just been hit in The War Within, as a team in China has claimed the expansion's World First timed Mythic +15 keystone! Read on to learn about their Mythic +15 Mists of Tirna Scithe. Congratulations to 戰临丶, 蓝小北, Flareup, 哆啦丶, and 奶球龙!

Most Popular Mythic+ Group Comps & Dungeon Success Rates (Week 3)

Week 3 of the 1st Mythic+ Season of The War Within has come to an end, so let's Dive into the Data! We took a look at the most popular group compositions for Mythic+ Dungeons last week. Let's see what people are playing and which dungeons have the highest success rate!

Most Popular Mythic+ Group Comps (Week 2)

Week 2 of the 1st Mythic+ Season of The War Within has come to an end, so let's Dive into the Data! We took a look at the most popular group compositions for Mythic+ Dungeons over the past week. Let's see what people are playing!

Most Popular Mythic+ Group Compositions (TWW Season 1 / Week 1)

Week 1 of the 1st Mythic+ Season of The War Within has come to an end, so let's Dive into the Data! We took a look at the most popular group compositions for Mythic+ Dungeons over the past week. Let's see what people are playing!

Must-Have AddOns and WeakAuras for The War Within

The War Within Season 1 TRULY kicks off this Tuesday with the opening of Mythic Nerub-ar Palace and Mythic+. Browse this curated list of AddOns and WeakAuras to find some great resources for all your Mythic+, raiding, leveling, and other quality-of-life needs!

The War Within Pre-Launch Dev Interview: George Velev and Michael Bybee

Looking to kickstart your journey into The War Within? Check out our exclusive dev interview with George Velev and Michael Bybee for our most burning questions about Raiding, the RWF, Mythic+, support specs, additional combatlog hooks, Vulpera Druids, and much more.

The Weekly Route: Fortified, Incorporeal, Sanguine

Looking to level up your Mythic+ dungeon gameplay? Learn some tips and import our Weekly Routes to help you tackle Fortified, Incorporeal, and Sanguine!

Play Like the Pros: Import This Week's High Mythic+ Routes

Want to know how some of the highest Mythic+ dungeons were timed this week? Click here to import routes seen by the pros on high Mythic+ Twitch streams for Tyrannical, Afflicted, and Bolstering!

The Weekly Route: Tyrannical, Afflicted, Bolstering

Looking to level up your Mythic+ dungeon gameplay? Learn some tips and import our Weekly Routes to help you tackle Tyrannical, Afflicted, and Bolstering!

Play Like the Pros: Import This Week's High Mythic+ Routes

Want to know how some of the highest Mythic+ dungeons were timed this week? Click here to import routes seen by the pros on high Mythic+ Twitch streams for Fortified, Storming, and Bursting!

The Weekly Route: Fortified, Storming, Bursting

Looking to level up your Mythic+ dungeon gameplay? Learn some tips and import our Weekly Routes to help you tackle Fortified, Storming, and Bursting!

Play Like the Pros: Import This Week's High Mythic+ Routes

Want to know how some of the highest Mythic+ dungeons were timed this week? Click here to import routes seen by the pros on high Mythic+ Twitch streams for Tyrannical, Volcanic, and Sanguine!

The Weekly Route: Tyrannical, Volcanic, Sanguine

Looking to level up your Mythic+ dungeon gameplay? Learn some tips and import our Weekly Routes to help you tackle Tyrannical, Volcanic, and Sanguine!

Play Like the Pros: Import This Week's High Mythic+ Routes

Want to know how some of the highest Mythic+ dungeons were timed this week? Click here to import routes seen by the pros on high Mythic+ Twitch streams for Fortified, Afflicted, and Raging!

The Weekly Route: Fortified, Afflicted, Raging

Looking to level up your Mythic+ dungeon gameplay? Learn some tips and import our Weekly Routes to help you tackle Fortified, Afflicted, and Raging!